WW II Veteran’s “fatal” cancer VANISHES after he retires to…

The Island Where People FORGET TO DIE

The doctor’s words hit him like a ton of bricks…

“It’s lung cancer.”

Then the other shoe dropped…

“And you’ve only got about nine months to live.”

This is the story of a veteran who fought the Nazi’s in World War II, and an island where people literally FORGET TO DIE.

It begins 40 years ago, back in 1976, when World War II veteran[i] Stamos[ii] Moraitis was living in Boynton Beach, Florida.

Suddenly, he found himself having trouble climbing stairs.

He was exhausted by noon each day.

“This isn’t like me,” he thought. “I’ve done manual labor for a living all my life...”

So he went to see a doctor.

The diagnosis shocked him.

Lung cancer.

And worse still, the doctor gave him only  nine months to live.

Naturally, he got a second opinion.

But it was exactly the same.

As were the third, fourth and fifth opinions.[iii]

“Well,” he told his family, “if I’m going to die, I want to return to Ikaria where I grew up, and be buried with my ancestors in the shade of the big oak trees, overlooking the beautiful Aegean Sea.

“Besides, you can get a funeral there for just $200.”

So he returned to Ikaria and moved back in with his elderly parents so his mother could help take care of him.

Before long, he felt a little stronger.

So he started going to church.

He reconnected with childhood friends, staying up late and helping to polish off a couple of bottles on wine.

“What the heck,” he explained to his mother. “I may as well die happy.”

But a funny thing happened to Stamos on his way to his funeral.

Like thousands of others on this small island, he simply FORGOT TO DIE.

He KEPT getting stronger and stronger.

Strong enough to plant a vegetable garden.

Although he told his friends and his family: “The vegetables will be for you to enjoy after I’m gone.”

But more months flew by and he harvested and enjoyed the vegetables himself.

His “expiration date,” confirmed by all those doctors, came and went as well.

Months turned to years as he busied himself gardening, raising grapes in his family’s vineyard, adding rooms to his parents’ home, and playing dominos at the local tavern late into the night.

And instead of growing sicker, he grew HEALTHIER.

Soon Stamos forgot all about his death sentence.

The years turned into decades.

Until one day, on a return visit to America, curiosity got the better of him and he set out to contact those doctors and see if they could explain how he had survived their death sentence.

But the problem was…

The doctors who had predicted his imminent demise…

Had all died themselves!

But there IS an answer.

New breakthroughs in the science of longevity explain why people like Stamos, who live in certain geographic areas, live so much longer and better than others.

You see, unbeknownst to Stamos, Ikaria is what scientists now call a “Blue Zone”[iv] [v]—one of five geographic areas in the world known for exceptional health and longevity.

And the people there don’t just live LONGER.

They live BETTER—often staying healthy and active (sexually and otherwise) well into their 90s and beyond.

With dramatically lower rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, sexual dysfunction and memory loss.[vi]

For example, dementia, while epidemic here in the U.S., is virtually unheard of on Ikaria.[vii]

On Ikaria, they say, people live to a ripe old age and die peacefully in their sleep…

Often after just having had sex.

Who WOULDN’T want to stick around for that!

Longevity Factors Revealed

Now, you’re probably wondering…

What is it about Ikaria and the other Blue Zone areas—such as Sardinia in Italy and Okinawa in Japan—that engenders this kind of health and longevity?

Scientists belief it is a number of factors, including…

  • Lack of Stress—Blue Zone areas are typically remote—located away from the stresses of civilization, and people have extremely relaxed, unhurried lifestyles.
  • Healthy Eating—People eat healthy, fresh food and herbs.
  • Social Contact—Friends and family are nearby and time is spent with them and valued.
  • Movement—People use their bodies to get from place to place, to garden, explore, and for many other activities which they enjoy.

Now, this is very helpful to know, and certainly we should all try to do these things as well each day.

But if you’re like me, you don’t want to move to some remote island.

You have stresses in your life that are unavoidable.

You can’t always eat right.

Friends and family aren’t always nearby.

And you don’t always have the opportunity to move around as much as you would like.

So wouldn’t it be great if instead of moving to some remote island and tending a vegetable garden for the rest of your life…

You knew the exact “genetic switch” that controls aging…

And knew exactly how to easily “turn on” that switch in order to live the long, healthy life you desire and deserve…

Enjoying great health, filled with energy and stamina, into your 80s and 90s and beyond.

Well, thanks to a discovery so groundbreaking that it won the Nobel Prize, it’s now possible.

Thousands are doing it.

And actually UNDOING the effects of years of stress, unhealthy living and poor lifestyle choices.[viii]

And in just a minute, I’ll tell you how to join them.

Who am I?

My name is Dr. Eric Wood.

I’m a fully licensed naturopathic physician specializing in longevity,[ix] holistic oncology, adrenal exhaustion, infectious disease and immune system problems from mold and other environmental toxins.[x]

I am a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, and have received extensive additional training and clinical[xi] experience from Harvard’s Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, as well as specialty cancer centers such as the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

I am Associate Professor of Nutrition at Hawthorn University and Associate Professor of Alternative Medicine at Everglades University.

Additionally, I have consulted for nearly five years to two of the leading nutraceutical companies in North America: Neuroscience Inc. and Life Extension.

Today I work one-on-one with patients from around the world a my practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and am the author or co-author of books on the Paleolithic diet, candida, weight loss and adrenal fatigue, and have appeared on major NBC, ABC and Fox as a nationally-recognized naturopathic medical expert.

I say all this not to brag, but because I want your help on the biggest undertaking of my career.

You see, in working with patients, I see how concerned people are with losing so much they value as they age…

The ability to do the things they love, their independence, their sexuality…

All the things that make them who they are.

That’s why, when I saw the tremendous implications of this Nobel Prize-winning discovery…

And started putting these findings into practice with my patients and saw the amazing life-changing results first hand…

I resolved to help as many people as I could live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

And to start feeling and getting better RIGHT NOW!

Because of my credentials, knowledge and experience, I feel I have to be the one to step forward.

The drug companies certainly aren’t going to.

They make their money on the drugs you take when you are sick—not when you’re well.

Your doctor probably isn’t going to be able to help you…

99% of them know little or nothing about the new anti-aging science of enabling you to live longer and healthier.

Look, if I may speak frankly to you…

The health care system in the U.S. is a mess right now.

The health insurance system is a mess too.

What’s the best way to fix them?


And I want to help 200,000 people do just that.

Of course, I can’t see 200,000 people in my practice.

But I can help 200,000 people through my writing.

I can tell 200,000 people about this amazing “longevity switch” and the simple, easy and often enjoyable ways you can switch it from “off” to “on.”

It’s all in a new program I put together called LONGEVITY SECRETS…

An easy-to-read, scientifically proven, step-by-step program that literally enables you to turn back the clock, live life on your own terms, and, as they say, add years to your life and life to your years.


You’re Younger Than You Think[xii]

What makes anti-aging possible is that your body is constantly regenerating and renewing our cells.

It’s true!

According to an article in The New York Times entitled Your Body Is Younger Than You Think, “... even if you're middle aged, most of you may be just 10 years old or less.”

But the real news here is... many of the major organs and structures that maintain healthy function throughout your lifespan are replaced much more frequently than every 10 years.

For example, according to the article…

  • Stomach cells last only 5 days
  • Red blood cells only around 120 days
  • Skins cells are replaced every 2 weeks
  • Your liver gets a makeover around once a year or so
  • And your bones are getting renewed nonstop

It’s a bit of a double-edged sword, however.

Because every time a cell divides and is replaced, it gets closer to the end of its life cycle.

And so do you.

The Science Behind Living Healthier, Longer

But that’s where the Nobel Prize-winning discovery comes in.

Three U.S. genetic researchers discovered a structure within each of our cells, called a “telomere” that actually controls how fast—or slow—a cell divides…

And how many times a cell can ultimately divide—period.

In other words, the healthier and longer-lived your telomeres are…

The healthier and longer-lived your cells are…

The healthier and longer-lived YOU are!

In my program, you’ll discover the best of what we now know in terms of how to protect and renew these vital structures…

So you can now, rejuvenate and preserve your youthful health, energy and function.

Without moving to a Blue Zone like Ikaria…

Continuing to live the life you live now, with just a few easy to make modifications.

For example, in the LONGEVITY SECRETS Guide you’ll discover…

  • The top telomere-boosting vitamins and supplements. Some you may be taking already. Others you will want to add to your daily regimen. But only if you want to live longer and healthier.[xiii]
  • How to improve your blood sugar and insulin levels, lower inflammation levels, and lose weight—with just a simple shift in WHEN you eat. And accomplishing these three things is the key to feeling better next week, next months, and in the years to come.[xiv]
  • The most reliable way to add an extra 12 to 24 years to your life.
  • 6 simple dietary principles that will enable you to live longer, look and feel better and improve your health and almost instantly.

The Celebrity Anti-Aging Secret

I’ll also show you how to take advantage of what I call “the celebrity anti-aging secret.”

You see, celebs spend thousands of dollars for injections of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) because it’s like a fountain of youth when it comes to health and longevity.

Unfortunately, your levels start declining in your 20’s, which negatively affects your ability to regenerate, repair and recover from injuries, trauma, and everyday wear, tear and stress.

Instead, I’ll show you the latest methods to boost this master rejuvenator NATURALLY... without the costs and potential health concerns of injections.

Of course, living longer is far from the only benefit of my longevity program.

Here are some of the other benefits my patients have experienced with this program…

  • Thinner—Near-effortless weight-loss is possible—at any age—if you know the secrets revealed in the LONGEVITY SECRETS program.
  • Healthier—When your doctor tells you, “You’re just getting old”—tell him you’re just getting a new doctor. The aches, pains and modern health problems associated with aging can vanish right before your eyes—when your eyes are open to the half-truths and lies you’ve been led to believe by Big Pharma, the government and mainstream medicine.
  • Happier—Brain imaging scans prove the techniques in this program create a more positive outlook on life—which, of course, creates better health. Get on this endless loop and enjoy!
  • More energy—Hopping out of bed energized and excited to greet the day doesn’t have to be a thing of the past. Healthier, longer-living cells are more ENERGETIC cells, resulting in a more energetic you—with the stamina you need to live the active life you desire.
  • And so much more!

Eat and Grow Healthy

Of course, I’d be lying if I said you could eat as much as you want of anything you want and increase your health and longevity.

But the good news is that it’s easy (and delicious) to eat in a way that gives your body the nutrients it needs to fight disease, repair and rejuvenate yourself at the cellular level, and keep those telomeres in tip-top shape.

Just look…

  • You can eat ANYTHING YOU WANT as long as you follow this one simple rule when it comes to food choices.[xv]
  • How to fill your plate in a way that AUTOMATICALLY prevents overeating.
  • Delicious FATS that are GOOD for you.[xvi]
  • The six WORST drinks you can consume—plus 3 truly satisfying substitutes.
  • Little-known super foods you should try to include in your diet every day. (Most people—even the health-conscious—aren’t aware of these super foods... let alone the amazing health benefits they offer.)
  • Meat that’s healthy for you. Just follow the simple guidelines on page XX.
  • How cooking can give you cancer. Avoid this common cooking mistake that can release cancer-causing byproducts into your food.
  • The common kitchen appliance you MUST stop using immediately. Drains nutrients from foods and can cause cancer in two different ways.[xvii]

How to Exercise without Exercising

The next key to attaining the health and life-long independence you desire is to KEEP MOVING!

But the so-called “experts” are WRONG.

You don’t need to spend hours upon hours in the gym every week for optimal health and fitness.

That kind of wear and tear will most likely do you more harm than good.

That’s why you don’t see people in places like Ikaria running on treadmills like hamsters.

They simply do things that they enjoy and live longer and improve their health in the process.

And in the LONGEVITY SECRETS program, that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do.

In fact, this is so important that I’ve prepared a FREE bonus report that reveals the ONE simple, enjoyable movement you can do to increase your health and longevity.

It’s something the people on Ikaria and in the other Blue Zones do a disproportionate amount of—and look what it does for them! (More about this and your other free gifts in just minute.)

In addition, in the main guide, you’ll also discover we’ll also burst a lot of myths about exercise, and give you some tips that will multiply the effectiveness of any exercise program.

For example:

  • How to structure a routine for maximum benefits. All you have to know is exactly how humans have evolved for physical activity.
  • The number of days a week you should exercise to improve overall health. (It’s MUCH less than you think!)
  • 9 ways exercising can ACCELERATE aging—and how to avoid them.
  • Two key amino acids you MUST TAKE for muscles repair and regeneration after exercise.
  • The truth about sports drinks! These findings will shock you.
  • Do this and your cardiovascular system will LOVE you. (And it’s definitely NOT running or jogging long distances.)

Sleep… The Ultimate Anti-Aging Hack

There’s a reason you won’t find many alarm clocks on Ikaria or the other Blue Zone locations.

Getting high-quality sleep is like drinking from the fountain of youth!

It enables you to dramatically lower your risk of…

  • Heart Disease
  • Heart Attacks
  • Heart Failure
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • High Blood Pressure
  • ... and...
  • Diabetes

Poor sleep has other negative consequences, too... such as: memory and learning impairment, decreased interested in sex, depression, accelerated skin aging, weight gain and more.

Now wonder it’s estimated that as many as 90% of people with insomnia also have another health condition!

Sounds a lot like what happens when most people age—doesn’t it?

But not you.

Because in LONGEVITY SECRETS, you’ll discover how easy it is to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep—even if you, like so many, are having trouble now getting all the sleeping you need.

  • 8 tips for getting the perfect night’s sleep! Some of these tips are just plain common sense. But a few will SURPRISE you!
  • An easy-to-spot warning sign that means you might require help from a sleep specialist.
  • 10 non-addictive natural supplements PROVEN to help with sleep troubles.
  • 3 medical tests to take if you have persistent sleep problems! If you’ve tried everything and still can’t sleep, one of these fixable conditions may be why.

Closely related to sleep, of course, is stress.

And another common attribute of Blue Zones is LACK of stress.

Of course, we often can’t escape the many stress triggers of modern life—from toxins in the environment to pressure at work and at home (and, of course, in getting from one to the other).

But if you are really serious about slowing down your aging process, you need to OFFSET those stressors and their effects.

There are many easy and even fun ways to do so.

And I reveal the best of them in your LONGEVITY SECRETS guide, including:

  • The powerful, little-known relaxation technique that USES tension for heightened relaxation.[xviii]
  • How to use sex to relax.
  • The 6 best mind-body therapies that combat stress and tension. What’s great about these therapies is they cost little or nothing, can be done in the privacy of your home at any time of day... and... and are largely quite simple to do.
  • What to add to your bath for amazing muscle relaxation, and detoxification.

Reclaim Your Youthful Energy

Now that you’re getting the sleep and stress relief you need, let’s be sure you wake up with ENERGY and stamina.

This is huge.

More people come into my practice complaining of one or both of these general symptoms than anything else.

As with my patients, I start LONGEVITY SECRETS by revealing relatively-easy fixes for the 4 easy to eliminate lifestyle-related causes of low energy and fatigue.

Then I move on to…

  • How to recharge the “power plants” you have within each cell of your body. These “mitochondria” are the true source of your body’s energy, but are easily damage by toxins, lack of nutrients, and stress. Don’t accept it as “age-related decline.” Discover how to jump start them![xix]
  • A great-tasting, sugar-like compound that is a terrific energy source—with none of the negative effects of sugar or caffeine. A teaspoon or two of this can be just the boost you need to finish the day, hit the gym, or any other activity that might require some extra energy. Plus, says an acclaimed cardiologist, it’s great for your heart.[xx]
  • A fast-acting “energy fat” that is hailed for everything from more mental and physical energy, to weight-loss, and even improved gut health!

How to Stay Disease-Free

How exactly are you going to stay healthy into your 80s, 90s and beyond?

LONGEVITY SECRETS is filled with ways to keep you in shape and disease-free…

  • The easiest way to protect against heart disease and many types of cancer, promote lean muscle mass, boost your immune system, and prevent and reverse depression, mood swings and cognitive impairment.[xxi]
  • How to cope with the 7 main-causes of weight gain... especially after 35 or 40! (This goes far beyond fad diets and exercise programs... because... the reality is, if you don’t get to the root cause or causes, nothing is going to work long-term.)
  • 3 strategies for tackling chronically-elevated blood sugar and insulin levels and all the disastrous effects these two factors take on your health. (This is must-have information if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic.)
  • 7 proven strategies for battling the “outer” signs of aging, like, premature graying hair and wrinkling of the skin!
  • How to improve recovery after any type of exercise or exertion... including... 4 muscle “fuels” that give you a significant physical boost at any age. (One of these works so well, it has been shown to improve muscle strength and mass in the elderlywithout exercise!)
  • How to douse the flames of inflammation... which is (according to a TIME magazine front page article) ... “THE SECRET KILLER”. (They tie it to heart attacks, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other debilitating diseases.)

The Next Generation of Anti-Aging Is HERE

Anti-aging science is moving forward in leaps and bounds.

Are you ready to take advantage of it?

LONGEVITY SECRETS will put you on the cutting edge when you know…

  • How to harvest and use your own adult stem cells to repair an injury or ailment your aging body isn’t capable of healing! This isn’t inexpensive, but, it’s a great investment to consider. Also, it’s almost never too late to have this done, but, the younger and healthier you are, the better.
  • How DNA washing or “editing” may change how we deal with genetically-linked disorders!
  • And much more!

This comprehensive guide isn’t all that you’re going to get with your LONGEVITY SECRETS program.

If you order now, today—by 11:59 p.m. Central Time—I’m also going to include 7 FREE bonuses…

Including the one I mentioned earlier…


1 Simple Tip That Cuts Your

Risk Of Dying In Half!

If you only have time to do ONE THING to increase your health and longevity, this report reveals my absolute top recommendation.

It’s what they do in Ikaria and other longevity hot spots around the world.

In fact, it’s the ONE thing they all have in common.

Plus, to make everything as easy and effective as possible, you’ll also receive…


Anti-Aging Levels 1-3 Cheat Sheets

These cheat sheets essentially condense the guide down to 16 pages and give you the top anti-aging tips, tricks and strategies at-a-glance. In just a few minutes a day, you can review these cheat sheets for a quick reminder of what you should be doing daily for optimal aging and health.


The Top 71 Anti-Aging Foods Guide

Buy the right foods and you can not only SLOW the aging process so you look and feel younger, you can also stave off, if not completely prevent, many age-related diseases.

The foods in this report have all been shown to prevent the degeneration normally associated with aging. Some fight the free radicals that can do damage to skin and other organs and trigger disease.[xxii] Others support brain function. Others fight deadly, disease-causing inflammation. All are essential to your health now, tomorrow, and long into the future.


Anti-Aging Meal Plan.

This meal plan makes it easy to follow the advice that will enable you to live healthy and happy into your 80s and 90s.

Because it eliminates all the guesswork by providing 4 weeks’ worth of breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, weekly grocery shopping lists, and snack ideas.


Anti-Aging Supplements Dosing Chart.

This is a comprehensive list of all the supplements (with suggested dosages) mentioned in the main guide, making it easy to find and take exactly what you need.


Longevity Workout[xxiii]

The best, simplest and easiest exercises I’ve ever found for living longer and better. They take no time at all and you can do them right in your own home.


Longevity[xxiv] on a Budget.[xxv]

Why spend more to be healthier? Here’s how to save money and live better and healthier.

These ANTI-AGING FREE BONUSES have a combined value of $139.65, but they are yours free if you order right away.

I’m sure by now you are wondering how to get your hands on this amazing program.

I was told by “experts” in the publishing industry that I should charge at least $297 for a comprehensive anti-aging program like this.

After all, it would cost many times that for me to become your personal anti-aging physician—IF I could even fit you into my schedule.

Not to mention how much your good health will save you in doctor visits, drug expenses, hospital visits, and all the other expenses poor health brings on.

But I resisted the advice of the “experts.”

Because I knew that in order to reach my BIG goal of helping transform the lives and health of 200,000 people by 2020, I needed to make this program as affordable as possible.

So I didn’t price it at $297. Or $197. Or even $97.

Now, again, if you order now, today—by 11:59 p.m. Central Time—you are going to get:



How To Grow Younger

At Any Age!



  1. 1 Simple Tip That Cuts Your Risk Of Dying In Half!
  2. Anti-Aging Levels 1-3 Cheat Sheets
  3. The Top 71 Anti-Aging Foods Guide
  4. Anti-Aging Meal Plan
  5. Anti-Aging Supplements Dosing Chart
  6. Anti-Aging Exercise Guide: Favorite Exercises, Explanations and Guidelines—and…
  7. A Practical Guide To Aging Optimally While On A Budget

A Total Value of $336.65

For Today’s Price... of Only…


Look, you’re at a critical fork in the road.

One road leads down the path you’re on right now.

That’s the path 99% of people take—toward gradual deterioration, illness, loss of independence and eventually, a death tragically earlier than necessary.

But the other path leads to a long life, filled with health, energy, independence and fulfillment.

And right now, I want to do everything I can to make your taking that path the easiest decision you’ve ever made.


I don’t want you to feel a single iota of risk in sending for your copy of the LONGEVITY SECRETS program.

In fact, think of it more as a risk-free trial or test drive.

That’s why I’ve added quite a bit of “longevity” to the guarantee as well.

That’s right—LONGEVITY SECRETS program comes with...

A 6-MONTH Unconditional

100% Money Back Guarantee!

Here’s How It Works: Order the program now (you’ll have it almost immediately, so you can get started today, if you want).

Follow the easy step-by-step, action-oriented instructions.

You have six full months to do so.

Use it. Benefit from it. Share it with your friends and loved ones.

Really take it for a test drive.

During this six-month trial period you must be fully satisfied with the results you are getting…

You must notice yourself looking and feeling better than you have in years...

Or, we insist you return it for a prompt and courteous refund by emailing us at support@primalhealthlp.com...

Or by calling customer service toll-free at: 1-877-669-8508.

There’s nothing to return and no catch or strings whatsoever.

In fact, if you’re unhappy for ANY reason just let us know and a refund will be on its way to you.

Fair enough? If so...

Here’s How To Get Started:

For Fastest Service: Just click the “How To Grow Younger At Any Age” button below, and fill out the secure online order form with your contact and payment information.

You will immediately be sent to the download page for the LONGEVITY SECRETS: How To Grow Younger At Any Age guide and all of the anti-aging free bonuses mentioned above.

Remember, you can only get the SEVEN (7) ANTI-AGING FREE BONUSES (including the report that reveals the 1 Simple Tip That Cuts Your Risk Of Dying In Half!) if you order now, today, by 11:59 p.m. Central Time!

How to Live Forever

By the way… one more thing.

Maybe it’s important to you.

But some people say that for the first time in history, it may be actually possible to LIVE FOREVER.

According to futurist Ray Kurtzweil, for example, he plans to live forever simply by living to the point where longevity science is capable of extending our lives further and further.

So he’s always ahead of the curve.

He believes that by the year 2029, life expectancy will increase by MORE than a year every year.

So theoretically, he’ll always ahead of the curve.

Whether or not you want to live forever, I’m pretty sure you want to live as long and as healthily and as well as possible.

And that you want to start feeling better immediately.

Or you wouldn’t have stayed with me to the end.

So let’s get to work

Send for your copy of my LONGEVITY SECRETS program RIGHT NOW.


If you’re still here, perhaps it would be helpful if you heard the experiences of some of my patients...

“Initially I came in because of low energy, anxiety that was spiraling out of control, and chronic troubles with sleep that just wouldn’t go away

I didn’t want to be stuck on medications for years to come. Plus I’d already tried quite a few drugs and they either didn’t work or they just gave me other side effects that were worse than the original issues.

I was impressed with Dr. Wood’s background and experience and even more so, once I met with him, how caring and sincere he was in wanting to help me AND get to the root of the problem, not just ‘treat the symptoms.’

Within a few weeks of working together, my anxiety and energy had improved dramatically and within 6 weeks the anxiety had completely disappeared. The sleep has improved a LOT and with it so has my energy so now I’m able to do everything I need to do daily and have the energy also to spend with my young daughter and family. I feel like I’m me again!”

– Giraldo E, Florida

“Before I saw Dr. Wood, I had been on numerous rounds of antibiotics for chronic Lyme disease that I have probably had for at least twenty years. At that point, I basically always felt lousy. Chronic pain. Always tired. Not able to work full-time, frequently sick, and always trouble with digestion.

While I’ve taken literally over a hundred different kinds of supplements, nothing seemed to really give me sustained improvement and the conventional doctors were at a loss on how to help me except pump me full of even more antibiotics, which I didn’t want.

I can now say many months later now my Lyme labs have come back ‘negative,’ the vast majority of my symptoms have faded away, and I feel dramatically different than before I came in! I am SO thankful I chose to work with Dr. Wood and am so thankful for his expertise and caring in this really tough disease. I hate to think where I’d be now if I hadn’t made this life-changing choice!!”

– Cheryl Anne, Quebec, Canada

“I am a breast cancer survivor having had surgery, chemo, and radiation in the last several years. While I was in remission at this point, I felt far from ‘well.’

I was suffering from low energy, pain and lymphedema from the surgery, worried about the toxins leftover from my body from the chemo, had chronic digestive problems and was always feeling unsettled as to why I got cancer in the first place.

My traditional doctors didn’t have many answers for me on what to do afterwards and nor did they seem to pay any attention to nutrition. I didn’t want to be at high risk for a recurrence or have to go through treatment any more.

Dr. Wood was a welcome change. Gradually my pain and lymphedema improved, as did my energy and my digestion is so dramatically different now I can hardly compare!

I feel so much more comfortable now with where I’m headed, I don’t constantly have an underlying sense of anxiety of the cancer coming back.

In the meantime, all of my cancer markers and scans have continued to be normal and things look good! Thank you Dr. Wood!!!”

– Nanette, Vermont

“Before I met Dr. Wood, I was terrified that I might not ever feel like my old self and beyond that, that I may never be able to work or function normally again!

Constant nose dripping and sinus congestion, coughing up blood, no energy, drinking twelve cups of coffee a day to get through the day, losing weight—I was terrified!

I had gone to doctor after doctor. Many of these were respected doctors at University of Miami, Mount Sinai, Cleveland Clinic, Boca General, etc. and yet everyone kept telling me it would go away or that it’s just allergies or that it was in my head even!

Dr. Wood took the time to listen to me, and helped me recover tremendously. I’m so blessed that I came in to see him as I feel so much better now.”

– Trish, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida

[i] “Greek war veteran”

[ii] Stamos is nickname for Stamatis. Stamatis Moratis sounds too strange and symetrical.

[iii] Actually he got NINE confirmations of the diagnosis.

[iv] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Zone

[v] I believe Blue Zone is a registered trademark, although it is not used with a mark in the NY Times article, so I haven’t


[vii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Zone

[viii] Added. Probably should be vetted.

[ix] Changed from “accelerated aging.” Sounds like he specializes in how to age FASTER.

[x] Changed from biotoxic illnesses, which sounds a bit like germ warefare and not something people can relate to.

[xi] Added “clinical

[xii] New York Times article headline. Check with legal to see if OK to use as subhead

[xiii] P. 97

[xiv] Intermittant fasting

[xv] Nutrient density

[xvi] P. 14

[xvii] Microwave – by releasing carcinogens in food and by radiation from standing near it. P. 16

[xviii] Progressive relaxation

[xix] Page 60-61

[xx] D-ribose. P. 71 (PDF version), plus: https://heartmdinstitute.com/diet-nutrition/vitamins-supplements/d-ribose-what-it-is-and-why-every-heart-patient-needs-it/

[xxi] I added “reverse” and “depression” and “mood swings” to protecting cognitive function. Neurotransmitters clearly do this.

[xxii] Added “trigger disease”

[xxiii] Changed from “Workout”. Would prefer this, sounds less onorous and more fun than “exercise.”

[xxiv] Changed from Anti-Aging – people prefer longevity. See Google Trends.

[xxv] Title also changed

[xxvi] Taken from Dr. Wood’s website